Untitled (Egg) – Faberge Big Egg Hunt donation by Jeff Koons (2014)

To raise money for children in New York City through Studio in a School, Koons designed and donated an egg for The Faberge Big Egg Hunt charity auction.

polychromed polyurethane, mirror-polished stainless steel
40 inches (H)
101.6 cm
© Jeff Koons

Untitled (Egg)


Untitled (Egg) – Faberge Big Egg Hunt donation by Jeff Koons (2014)

To raise money for children in New York City through Studio in a School, Koons designed and donated an egg for The Faberge Big Egg Hunt charity auction.

polychromed polyurethane, mirror-polished stainless steel
40 inches (H)
101.6 cm
© Jeff Koons

Untitled (Egg) – Faberge Big Egg Hunt donation by Jeff Koons (2014)

To raise money for children in New York City through Studio in a School, Koons designed and donated an egg for The Faberge Big Egg Hunt charity auction.
polychromed polyurethane, mirror-polished stainless steel
40 inches (H)
101.6 cm
© Jeff Koons


coming soon


Sarah Cascone, “Jeff Koons Brings a Giant Flower Sculpture to Rockefeller Center, May 30, 2014 (color ill.).