Gazing Ball (Antinous-Dionysus)

plaster and glass 
60 3/8 x 44 3/8 x 27 1/2 inches
153.4 x 112.7 x 69.9 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP

  • New York, David Zwirner, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, May 8 – June 22, 2013 (edition 1)

  • Roberta Smith, "Gladiatorial Combat: The Battle of the Big," The New York Times, May 16, 2013, online (color ill. online, detail)

    Whitney Kimball, "Bigger Than Koons: A Review of Chelsea’s Double-Feature," Art F City, June 7, 2013 (color ill. David Zwirner installation)

    Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: A Retrospective, Whitney Museum of American Art, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2014), pp. 18, 207, 210, 290 (color ill. p. 207, pl. 132; color ill. p. 210, fig. 6, David Zwirner Gallery installation)

    Bernard Blistène, Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: La Rétrospective, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (New York and Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2014), pp. 215, 218, 302 (color ill. p. 215, pl. 132; color ill. p. 218, fig. 6, David Zwirner Gallery installation)

    Francesco Bonami, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, ed. Louise Sorensen, exh. cat. (New York: David Zwirner, 2014), pp. 24, 75 (color ill. p. 25; color ill. p. 27; color ill. pp. 22-23, David Zwirner installation)

    Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: Retrospectiva, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (Bilbao: Guggenheim Bilbao, Companhia Empreendimento Sabara, 2015), pp. 219, 222, 303 (color ill. p. 219, pl. 133; color ill. p. 222, fig. 6, David Zwirner installation)

    Francesco Bonami, "Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball," Artbook, September 2014 (color ill. p. 25)

    Peter Greenaway, "Flair of the Moment," Flair Magazine, March 2015 (color ill. p. 35)

    Patricia Carcia, "Jeff Koons’s New Artwork Is Surprisingly Affordable," Vogue, May 9, 2016 (color ill.)

    Ally Betker, "Jeff Koons, the Google of the Art World, Teams Up with Google," W Magazine, May 10, 2016

    Todd Plummer, "Jeff Koons’s Tips for the Perfect Selfie," Vogue, May 10, 2016

    Rain Embuscado, "Jeff Koons Debuts First Live-Action Video Work with Google," Artnet News, May 10, 2016 (color ill.)

    AFP Relax News, "Google teams up with Jeff Koons for limited-edition cases," Yahoo Tech, May 11, 2016 (color ill.)

    Chiaki Kuriyama, "Jeff Koons," Goethe, May 2018 (color ill. p. 34)

    Ana Marquez, "El artista Jeff Koons enviara sus nuevas esculturas a la Luna," Cool Lifestyle, May 17, 2022 (color ill., Jeff Koons x Google Launch events, 2016)

    Heinz-Norbert Jocks, "Jeff Koons: Der Mythos Des Apollon," Kunstforum, January-February 2023 (color ill. p. 182)

Gazing Ball (Apollo Lykeios)

plaster and glass 
94 1/4 x 37 1/8 x 34 1/2 inches
239.4 x 94.3 x 87.6 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP

Gazing Ball (Ariadne)

plaster and glass 
44 3/8 x 93 7/8 x 36 5/8 inches
112.7 x 238.4 x 93 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP

  • New York, David Zwirner, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, May 8 – June 22, 2013 (edition 1)

    Providence, David Winton Bell Gallery at Brown University, SHE: Picturing Women at the Turn of the 21st Century, October 25 – December 21, 2014 (edition 1)

    Paris, The Centre Pompidou, Jeff Koons: A Retrospective, November 26, 2014 – April 27, 2015 (edition 3)

    Bilbao, Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Jeff Koons: A Retrospective, June 9 – September 27, 2015 (edition 3)

  • Carol Swanson, "The Age of Jeff Koons," New York Magazine, May 13, 2013 (color ill. p. 29, detail)

    Andrew Russeth, "'Jeff Koons - New Paintings and Sculpture' at Gagosian Gallery and 'Jeff Koons- Gazing Ball' at David Zwirner, " Gallerist, May 14, 2013, online (color ill., detail)

    Roberta Smith, "Gladiatorial Combat: The Battle of the Big," The New York Times, May 16, 2013, online (color ill., detail)

    Ben Davis, "Reflecting on Jeff Koons's Hollow Triumph in Chelsea," Bloomberg, May 17, 2013 (color ill., detail)

    Alison M. Gingeras, "Instant Classic," Artforum 52, no. 1 (September 2013) (color ill. p. 146, David Zwirner installation)

    Jeff Koons, "Jeff Koons: Man of the Hour," W (June 2014) (color ill, David Zwirner installation, background)

    Violaine Binet, "King Koons," Vogue (Paris), no. 948 (June-July 2014), (color ill. p. 213)

    Manami Fujimori, "Jeff Koons," (Text in Japanese) Art Techo (Japan) 66, no. 1012 (October 2014) (color ill. pp. 14-15)

    Judicaël Lavrador, “Jeff Koons: génie ou imposteur?” Beaux Arts editions, November 2014, p. 138

    Véronique Prat, “Jeff Koons avec ses millions, il achète de Manet,” (Text in French) Le Figaro Magazine (Paris), no. 21869 (November 29, 2014) (color ill. p. 52)

    Aurelie Romanacce, "Jeff Koons: Le Roi de Paris," (Text in French) Arts Magazine, no. 93 (December 2014) (color ill., detail)

    Luther Blissett, “Les obsessions majeures de Koons,” Beaux Arts editions, December 2014, pp. 34-35

    Myriam Boutoulle, "Jeff Koons, a star in Paris," (Text in French) Connaissance des Arts, (December 2014) (color ill. p. 72)

    Sonya Liu, "Art that Goes Pop," (Text in Mandarin) Kempinski (China), Winter 2014, pp. 28-29 (color ill.)

    Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: A Retrospective, Whitney Museum of American Art, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2014), pp. 18, 206, 291 (color ill. p. 206, pl. 131)

    Bernard Blistène, Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: La Rétrospective, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (New York and Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2014), pp. 214, 302 (color ill. p. 214, pl. 131)

    Francesco Bonami, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, ed. Louise Sorensen, exh. cat. (New York: David Zwirner, 2014), pp. 70, 75 (color ill. pp. 64-65, David Zwirner installation; color ill. pp. 70-71; color ill. pp. 72-73, David Zwirner installation)

    Jeff Koons and Norman Rosenthal. Jeff Koons: Conversations with Norman Rosenthal (London: Thames & Hudson, 2014, pp. 70-71 (color ill.)

    Jeff Koons and Norman Rosenthal. Jeff Koons: Entretiens avec Norman Rosenthal (London: Flammarion, 2014), pp. 70-71 (color ill.)

    Nicolas Liucci-Goutnikov, Jeff Koons: La Retropsective/A Retrospective, eds. Julie Champion and Caroline Edde, exh. cat. (Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2014), p. 57 (color ill. p. 57)

    Julie Champion and Caroline Edde. Jeff Koons: La Retrospective: The Album of the Exhibition. Exh. cat., (Belgium: Centre Pompidou, 2014), p. 57

    Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: Retrospectiva, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (Bilbao: Guggenheim Bilbao, Companhia Empreendimento Sabara, 2015), pp. 218, 301 (color ill. p. 218, pl. 132)

    Michaël Amy, "A Supreme Trouble-Maker in Crowd-Pleasing," Sculpture 34, no. 2 (March 2015) (color ill. p. 55)

    Ana Sokoloff, "Jeff Koons Artista," Ars Magazine (Madrid) 8, no. 27 (July-September 2015), p. 40 (color ill. p. 42, work in progress at studio)

    Julie Champion and Nicolas Liucci-Goutnikov, Jeff Koons: La Rétrospective La Portfolio De L'Exposition/The Retrospective The Portfolio of The Exhibition, ed. Julie Champion, exh. cat. (Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2015), p. 152 (color ill. pp. 152-153)

    Nancy Ramage, "Ariadne and Cleopatra: Identities Transformed," (New York: Ars Ceramica September 2016, p. 29

    Rachel Corbett, "Jeff Koons and Eric Kandel Talk Art and Empathy," Blouin Artinfo, October 4, 2016

    Louis Vuitton Masters: A Collaboration with Jeff Koons (France: Louis Vuitton, 2017) (color ill. pp. 35-36)

    Heike Mund, "Paris says 'non' to Jeff Koons sculpture," DW (Germany), January 24, 2018

    Anne Wehr, David Zwirner: 25 Years, ed. Lucas Zwirner (New York: David Zwirner, 2018) (color ill. 172)

    Valentina Di Liscia, "The Art World Has Discovered the Dolly Parton Meme Challenge," Hyperallergic, January 24, 2020 (color ill., detail)

    Mohsen Veysi, "Alois Riegl, il pioniere della storia dellʼarte," Artribune (Italy), November 9, 2020 (color ill. Monsoon Art Collection)

    Jeff Koons. Shine, eds. Joachim Pissarro and Arturo Galansino, exh. cat. (Venice: Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Marsilio Editori S.p.A., 2021) (color ill. p. 181, David Zwirner installation)

Gazing Ball (Barberini Faun)

plaster and glass 
70 x 48 x 54 7/8 inches 
177.8 x 121.9 x 139.4 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP 

  • New York, David Zwirner, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, May 8 – June 22, 2013 (edition 1)

    Florence, Palazzo Vecchio and Piazza della Signoria, Jeff Koons in Florence, September 25 – December 28, 2015 (edition 3)

    Beverly Hills, Gagosian Gallery, Jeff Koons, April 27, 2017 – August 18, 2017 (AP)

  • Whitney Kimball, "Bigger Than Koons: A Review of Chelsea’s Double-Feature," Art F City, June 7, 2013 (color ill., Zwirner installation)

    Daniel Creahan, "New York - Jeff Koons: "Gazing Ball" at David Zwirner, Through June 29th, 2013," Art Observed, June 28, 2013 (color ill., David Zwirner installation)

    Alison M. Gingeras, "Instant Classic," Artforum, September 2013, pp. 145-146 (p. 146, color ill., detail, installation view)  

    Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: A Retrospective, Whitney Museum of American Art, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2014), p. 210 (color ill. p. 210, fig. 6, David Zwirner Gallery installation)

    Bernard Blistène, Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: La Rétrospective, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (New York and Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2014), p. 218 (color ill. p. 218, fig. 6, David Zwirner Gallery installation)

    Francesco Bonami, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, ed. Louise Sorensen, exh. cat. (New York: David Zwirner, 2014), pp. 3, 7, 28 (color ill. pp. 22-23, David Zwirner installation; color ill. p. 29; color ill. p. 31)

    “Jeff Koons, cara a cara frente a Miguel Ángel,” El Universal, August 3, 2015

    Dario Mastromattei, “Jeff Koons in mostra a Firenze dal 26 Settembre al 28 Dicembre 2015,” Arte World, September 1, 2015

    Helga Marsala, “Jeff Koons a Firenze. Il principe del pop americano incontra la grande staturia rinascimentale. Mitologie classiche e contemporanee a Palazzo Vecchio,” Artribune, September 1, 2015

    “Jeff Koons In Florence. L’arte contemporanea in dialogo con l’antico,” ArtsLife, September 1, 2015

    “Jeff Koons In Florence, A Cura Di Sergio Risaliti: In Mostra Dal 25 Settembre,” Fattitaliani, September 2, 2015 (color ill.) 

    “Jeff Koons In Florence a Palazzo Vecchio di Firenze,” La Nouvelle Vague, September 2, 2015

    “Jeff Koons vs. Michelangelo?” Milano Arte Moda, September 2, 2015

    “Jeff Koons In Florence,” Quotidiano Arte, September 3, 2015

    “Koons, sfida d’arte in piazza a Firenze,” L’Arena, September 5, 2015

    “Jeff Koons In Florence,” Biancoscuro, September 15, 2015

    Pia Capelli, “Jeff Koons e il suo Fauno,” Il Sole 24 Ore, September 20, 2015 (color ill.)

    Fabrizio Gentile, “Firenze, Dal 25 Settembre “Pluto and Proserpina” Di Koons A Palazzo Vecchio “Jeff Koons in Florence” è in programma dal 26 settembre fino al 28 dicembre,” In Terris, September 21, 2015

    “Jeff Koons In Florence,” The Florentine, September 24, 2015

    Andrea Paoletti, “Jeff Koons in Florence,” Artblog, September 25, 201

    Daniela Cresti, “Jeff Koons, un grande evento artistico. E la Bellezza è servita Opinion leader,” Stamp Toscana, September 25, 2015

    “Firenze: L’Arte Contemporanea Cambia Volto a Piazza Della Signoria,” Intoscana, September 25, 2015

    “Jeff Koons In Florence,”, September 25, 2015

    Marta Elena Casanova, "Jeff Koons in Florence. Un dialogo tra Rinascimento e contemporaneità," ArtsLife, September 25, 2015, online (color ill.)

    Olga Mugnaini, "La citta invasa dalla Biennale d'antiquariato E Jeff Koons," La Nazione Firenze, September 25, 2015

    Edoardo Lusena, "Tocco con mano gli stessi piaceri che tocco Donatello," Corriere Fiorentino, September 26, 2015 (color ill.)

    Gabriele Rizza, "Plutone, Prosperina e il fauno: Firenze si apre a Jeff Koons," Il Tirreno, September 26, 2015 (color ill.)

    Jeff Koons é a Firenze con Pluto e Prosperina," Il Quotidiano Del Lazio, September 26, 2015

    Nicoletta Castagni, "Jeff Koons e l'antico in piazza a Firenze," Ansa, September 26, 2015

    “Jeff Koons In Florence,” Corriere Della Sera, September 25, 2015

    Susan Moore, "Jeff Koons takes on the Old Masters in Florence," Apollo Magazine, September 29, 2015

    Marco de Martino, "Mi chiamo Jeff, sollevo pesi," (Text in Italian) Vanity Fair (Italy) (September 2015), p. 149 (color ill. p. 148)

    "Jeff Koons a Firenze," Vogue Italy, September 28, 2015

    Giuliana D’Urso, “Jeff Koons a Firenze: un dialogo tra passato e presente,” My where, October 2, 2015

    Tomaso Montanari, "La copia dorata di Jeff Koons chesbeffeggia questa Firenze," La Repubblica Firenze, October 2, 2015 (color ill.)

    Scott Reyburn, “Florence Turns Up the Celebrity Heat,” The New York Times, October 2, 2015

    Francesco Bonami, "Jeff Koons: Michelangelo e Donatello si interesserebbero al mio lavaro," Interview. La Stampa (Firenze) October 3, 2015, p. 28 (color ill. p. 29, Florence installation, Photo by Serge Risaliti; color ill. p. 29, detail of Florence installation, Photo by Serge Risaliti)

    Stefano Pirovano, "Rispetto all'arte antica io, Koons, sono nulla," Panorama, October 7, 2015 (color ill. 47)

    "Il Mondo Novo," Arena Mediastar Magazine No. 10, October 2015 (color ill.)

    "The Top 10 Living Artists of 2015," Artsy, December 16, 2015 (color ill.)

    Daniele Capra, "Jeff Koons, Firenze e il martello calvinista. Parla Nicola Verlato," Artribune, December 25, 2015 (color ill., installation view

    Sergio Risaliti, "Jeff Koons: La fecita non e negli oggetti materiali," (Text in Italian) Flash Art (Milan) 48, no. 324 (December 2015-January 2016), p. 38 (color ill. p. 39, Florence installation, Photo by Serge Domingie)

    Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: Retrospectiva, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (Bilbao: Guggenheim Bilbao, Companhia Empreendimento Sabara, 2015), p. 222 (color ill. p. 222, fig. 6, David Zwirner installation)

    Hans Werner Holzwarth, ed., Koons (Cologne: Taschen, 2015), p. 89 (color ill. p. 89)

    Jeff Koons in Florence, ed. Sergio Risaliti, exh. cat. (Florence: Forma, 2016), pp. 35-36, 42 (color ill. pp. 20-21; color ill. pp. 23-27; color ill. pp. 29-30; color ill. p. 37; color ill. pp. 40-41; color ill.  p. 79)

    "Jeff Koons and Centre Pompidou fined for 'counterfeit' work," Apollo, March 10, 2017 (color ill.)

    Jeff Koons, exh. cat. (Beverly Hills: Gagosian, 2017), pp. 49, 79 (color ill. pp. 44-45, Gagosian Gallery installation; color ill. p. 48; color ill. pp. 44-45, Gagosian installation; color ill. p. 51, detail; color ill. pp. 53-54, Gagosian Gallery installation)

    "Tour Allison and Warren Kanders's Five-Story Greenwich Village Townhouse," Architectural Digest, December 2018 (color ill., installation view

    Amy Astley, Architectural Digest at 100 A Century of Style (Harry N. Abrams, 2019), (color ill., Allison and Warren Kander’s Greenwich Village townhouse, Photo by Thomas Loof, originally in Architectural Digest December 2018) (color ill., p. 230, Allison and Warren Kanders residence)

Gazing Ball (Baubo)

plaster and glass 
18 7/8 x 10 x 10 inches 
47.9 x 25.4 x 25.4 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP

  • New York, David Zwirner, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, May 8 – June 22, 2013 (edition 1)

  • Roberta Smith, "Gladiatorial Combat: The Battle of the Big," The New York Times, May 16, 2013, online (color ill. online, detail)

    Whitney Kimball, "Bigger Than Koons: A Review of Chelsea’s Double-Feature," Art F City, June 7, 2013 (color ill. David Zwirner installation)

    Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: A Retrospective, Whitney Museum of American Art, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2014), pp. 18, 207, 210, 290 (color ill. p. 207, pl. 132; color ill. p. 210, fig. 6, David Zwirner Gallery installation)

    Bernard Blistène, Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: La Rétrospective, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (New York and Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2014), pp. 215, 218, 302 (color ill. p. 215, pl. 132; color ill. p. 218, fig. 6, David Zwirner Gallery installation) 

    Francesco Bonami, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, ed. Louise Sorensen, exh. cat. (New York: David Zwirner, 2014), pp. 24, 75 (color ill. p. 25; color ill. p. 27; color ill. pp. 22-23, David Zwirner installation)

    Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: Retrospectiva, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (Bilbao: Guggenheim Bilbao, Companhia Empreendimento Sabara, 2015), pp. 219, 222, 303 (color ill. p. 219, pl. 133; color ill. p. 222, fig. 6, David Zwirner installation)

    Francesco Bonami, "Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball," Artbook, September 2014 (color ill. p. 25)

    Peter Greenaway, "Flair of the Moment," Flair Magazine, March 2015 (color ill. p. 35)

    Patricia Carcia, "Jeff Koons’s New Artwork Is Surprisingly Affordable," Vogue, May 9, 2016 (color ill.)

    Ally Betker, "Jeff Koons, the Google of the Art World, Teams Up with Google," W Magazine, May 10, 2016

    Todd Plummer, "Jeff Koons’s Tips for the Perfect Selfie," Vogue, May 10, 2016

    Rain Embuscado, "Jeff Koons Debuts First Live-Action Video Work with Google," Artnet News, May 10, 2016 (color ill.)

    AFP Relax News, "Google teams up with Jeff Koons for limited-edition cases," Yahoo Tech, May 11, 2016 (color ill.)

    Chiaki Kuriyama, "Jeff Koons," Goethe, May 2018 (color ill. p. 34) 

    Ana Marquez, "El artista Jeff Koons enviara sus nuevas esculturas a la Luna," Cool Lifestyle, May 17, 2022 (color ill., Jeff Koons x Google Launch events, 2016)

    Heinz-Norbert Jocks, "Jeff Koons: Der Mythos Des Apollon," Kunstforum, January-February 2023 (color ill. p. 182)

Gazing Ball (Belvedere Torso)

plaster and glass 
71 1/2 x 29 7/8 x 35 1/8 inches
181.6 x 75.9 x 89.2 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP

Gazing Ball (Birdbath)

plaster and glass 
45 1/4 x 27 1/2 x 27 1/2 inches
114.9 x 69.9 x 69.9 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP

Gazing Ball (Centaur and Lapith Maiden)

plaster and glass 
97 1/16 x 96 1/2 x 28 1/2 inches
246.5 x 245.1 x 72.4 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP

Gazing Ball (Crouching Venus)

plaster and glass 
44 x 20 3/8 x 27 1/7 inches 
111.8 x 51.8 x 68.9 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP

Gazing Ball (Demeter)

plaster and glass
48 7/8 x 34 1/8 x 42 3/8 inches
124.1 x 86.7 x 107.6 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP

  • New York, Michael Altman Fine Art, In Pursuit of Timeless Quality, April 15 – May 20, 2016

    Doha, Qatar Museums Al Riwaq Gallery, Jeff Koons: Lost in America, November 21, 2021 – March 31, 2022 (edition 3)

  • Alison M. Gingeras, "Instant Classic," Artforum 52, no. 1 (September 2013) (color ill. p. 146)

    Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: A Retrospective, Whitney Museum of American Art, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2014)

    Bernard Blistène, Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: La Rétrospective, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (New York and Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2014), pp. 213, 302 (color ill. p. 213, pl. 130)

    Francesco Bonami, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, ed. Louise Sorensen, exh. cat. (New York: David Zwirner, 2014), pp. 58, 75 (color ill. p. 59; color ill. p. 61; color ill. pp. 72-73, David Zwirner installation)

    Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: Retrospectiva, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (Bilbao: Guggenheim Bilbao, Companhia Empreendimento Sabara, 2015), pp. 217, 303 (color ill. p. 217, pl. 131)

    Fionnuala McHugh, "Hong Kong-bound artist Sarah Morris, showing in Beijing, talks about films and the Olympics," South China Morning Post (China), March 24, 2018 (color ill. work at studio)

    Ashleigh Kane, "A major Jeff Koons exhibition is coming to the UK," Dazed (UK), October 26, 2018 (color ill.)

    "Jeff Koons to display artworks at Oxford exhibition," BBC (UK), October 26, 2018 (color ill.)

    Peter Aspen, "Jeff Koons: ‘I don’t believe in perfection’," Financial Times (UK), December 7, 2018 (color ill.)

    Jonathan Jones, "Koons apes the old masters and robots invade Edinburgh – the week in art," The Guardian (UK), February 1, 2019 (color ill.)

    Hadley Freeman, "'Wow, $91m!' – Jeff Koons on blowup dogs, record prices and his row with Paris," The Guardian (UK), February 4, 2019 (color ill.)

    "Jeff Koons at The Ashmolean," Ashmolean Museum (UK), February 5, 2019 (color ill.)

    Philip Hensher, "'It is blazingly hideous. I rather recommend it.' The Ashmolean's Jeff Koons show is worth a visit," Daily Mail (UK), February 9, 2019 (color ill.)

    Roisin McVeigh, "Reflecting on why the art world loves to hate Jeff Koons," Dazed, February 12, 2019, online (color ill.)

    Franca Toscano, "Jeff Koons dialogues with antiquity at Ashmolean Museum" Blouin Artinfo, March 2019 (color ill.)

    Xa Sturgis and Norman Rosenthal, Jeff Koons at the Ashmolean, exh. cat. (Oxford: Ashmolean Museum, 2019), pp. 25, 61 (color ill. p. 22, detail; color ill. p. 60)

Gazing Ball (Diana)

plaster and glass 
68 7/8 x 31 3/4 x 40 3/8 inches 
174.9 x 80.6 x 102.6 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP

Gazing Ball (Esquiline Venus)

plaster and glass 
61 3/8 x 24 1/8 x 16 1/8 inches
155.9 x 61.3 x 41 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP

  • New York, David Zwirner, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, May 8 – June 22, 2013 (edition 1)

  • Luther Blissett, "Sept moments-clefs dans une vie d'artiste," (Text in French) Beaux Arts/TTM éditions (Paris), 2008 (color ill. p. 13, work in progress at studio, Photo by Martin Schoeller Koons family photo)

    Carol Swanson, "The Age of Jeff Koons," New York Magazine, May 13, 2013 (color ill. p. 29)

    Alison M. Gingeras, "Instant Classic," Artforum 52, no. 1 (September 2013) (color ill. p. 146)

    Jeff Koons and Norman Rosenthal, Jeff Koons: Conversations with Norman Rosenthal (London: Thames & Hudson, 2014) (color ill. pp. 70-71, David Zwirner installation)

    Jeff Koons and Norman Rosenthal, Jeff Koons: Entretiens avec Norman Rosenthal (London: Flammarion, 2014) (color ill. pp. 70-71, David Zwirner installation)

    Francesco Bonami, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, ed. Louise Sorensen, exh. cat. (New York: David Zwirner, 2014), pp. 54, 75 (color ill. p. 55), (color ill. p. 57; color ill. pp. 64-65, David Zwirner installation; color ill. pp. 72-73, David Zwirner installation)

    Luther Blissett, "Les obsessions majeures de Koons," (Text in French) Beaux Arts/TTM éditions (Paris), 2014 (color ill. p. 13, work in progress at studio, Photo: Martin Schoeller Koons family photo)

    Anne Wehr, David Zwirner: 25 Years, ed. Lucas Zwirner (New York: David Zwirner, 2018) (color ill. 173)

    Claire Wrathall, "Collecting stories: Gael Neeson," Christie's, December 16, 2020 (color ill.)

Gazing Ball (Farnese Hercules)

plaster and glass 
128 1/2 x 67 x 48 5/8 inches 
326.4 x 170.2 x 123.5 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP

  • New York, David Zwirner, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, May 8 – June 22, 2013 (edition 1)

    New York, Whitney Museum of American Art, Jeff Koons: A Retrospective, June 27 – October 19, 2014 (edition 2)

    Paris, The Centre Pompidou, Jeff Koons: A Retrospective, November 26, 2014 – April 27, 2015 (edition 3)

    Bilbao, The Guggenheum Museum Bilbao, Jeff Koons: A Retrospective, June 9 – September 27, 2015 (edition 2)

    Beverly Hills, Gagosian Gallery, Jeff Koons, April 27 – August 18, 2017 (edition 1)

    Incheon, Paradise Art Space, Overstated & Understated, September 19 – November 18, 2018 (edition 2)

  • Carl Swanson, "The Age of Jeff Koons", New York, May 13, 2013 (color ill. pp. 28-29, work in progress at studio, Photo by Martin Schoeller)

    Andrew Russeth, "'Jeff Koons - New Paintings and Sculpture' at Gagosian Gallery and 'Jeff Koons- Gazing Ball' at David Zwirner," Gallerist, May 14, 2013, online

    Roberta Smith, "Gladiatorial Combat: The Battle of the Big," The New York Times, May 16, 2013

    Tracy Zwick, "Double-Barrel Frieze-Week Jeff Koons at Gagosian and Zwirner," Art in America 101, no. 5 (May 2013), p. 45

    John Yau, "Why Jeff Koons Made Michael Jackson White," Hyperallergic, June 9, 2013 (color ill., David Zwirner installation, detail)‐jeff-‐koons-‐made-‐michael-‐jackson-‐white/

    David Behringer, "A Closer Look at Jeff Koons," Design Milk, June 18, 2013 (color ill., David Zwirner installation)

    Daniel Creahan, "New York - Jeff Koons: "Gazing Ball" at David Zwirner, Through June 29th, 2013," Art Observed, June 28, 2013 (color ill., David Zwirner installation)

    Manami Fujimori, "World News: New York," (Text in Japanese) Art Techo (Japan) 65, no. 987 (July 2013) (color ill. p. 132, David Zwirner installation)

    Alison M. Gingeras, "Instant Classic", Artforum 52, no. 1 (September 2013) (color ill. p. 146)

    Karen Garrat, “Jeff Koons: A Hubris Trickster Creating the Visually Grandoise,” Artlyst, July 24, 2014 (color ill.)


    Jeff Koons, "Scan to Koonsume," Garage Magazine (London), Fall/Winter 2014 (color ill. p. 88)

    Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: A Retrospective, Whitney Museum of American Art, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2014), pp. 18, 208, 290 (color ill. p. 208, pl. 134)

    Bernard Blistène, Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: La Rétrospective, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (New York and Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2014), pp. 216, 302 (color ill. p. 216, pl. 134)

    Francesco Bonami, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, ed. Louise Sorensen, exh. cat. (New York: David Zwirner, 2014), (color ill. pp. 64-65, David Zwirner installation), pp. 66, 75 (color ill. p. 67; color ill. p. 69; color ill. pp. 72-73, David Zwirner installation)

    Nicolas Liucci-Goutnikov, Jeff Koons: La Retropsective/A Retrospective, eds. Julie Champion and Caroline Edde, exh. cat. (Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2014), p. 56 (color ill. p. 56)

    Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: Retrospectiva, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (Bilbao: Guggenheim Bilbao, Companhia Empreendimento Sabara, 2015), pp. 220, 301 (color ill. p. 220, pl. 135)

    The Broad Collection, ed. Joanne Heyler with Ed Schad and Chelsea Beck (Los Angeles: The Broad, Delmonico Books an imprint of Prestel Publishing, 2015) (color ill. p. 91)

    Julie Champion and Nicolas Liucci-Goutnikov, Jeff Koons: La Rétrospective La Portfolio De L'Exposition, ed. Julie Champion, exh. cat. (Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2015), p. 151 (color ill. p. 151)

    Elena Cué, "Interview With Jeff Koons," The Huffington Post, July 1, 2016 (color ill.)

    Rachel Corbett, "Jeff Koons and Eric Kandel Talk Art and Empathy," Blouin Artinfo, October 4, 2016

    Sara Montero, "La colaboración más esperada: Jeff Koons y Louis Vuitton versionan a Da Vinci," El Mundo (Spain), April 11, 2017 (color ill.)

    Jeff Koons, exh. cat. (Beverly Hills: Gagosian, 2017), pp. 7, 16, 17 (color ill. pp. 10-11, installation; color ill. p. 17; color ill. pp. 10-11, Gagosian installation; color ill. p. 19, Gagosian installation)

    Fionnuala McHugh, "Hong Kong-bound artist Sarah Morris, showing in Beijing, talks about films and the Olympics," South China Morning Post (China), March 24, 2018 (color ill.)

    Hong Xinying, "This Art-Inspired Resort In Korea Is A Feast For Your Senses," Singapore Tatler (Singapore), November 26, 2018 (color ill., Paradise Art Space, Korea)

    Xa Sturgis and Norman Rosenthal, Jeff Koons at the Ashmolean, exh. cat. (Oxford: Ashmolean Museum, 2019) (color ill. p. 16)

    "Jeff Koons on Desire, Beauty, the Vastness of the Universe, and the Intimacy of Right Here, Right Now," Artspace, May 21, 2020 (color ill.)

    Aimee Hinds, "Hercules in White: Classical Reception, Art, and Myth," The Jugaad Project: Material Religion in Context, June 23, 2020, online (color ill.)

    Jeff Koons. Shine, eds. Joachim Pissarro and Arturo Galansino, exh. cat. (Venice: Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Marsilio Editori S.p.A., 2021) (color ill. p. 181, David Zwirner installation)

    Raffaele Quattrone, "Masterpiece Episode 3 (Beecroft - Koons)," Masterpiece, April 28, 2024

Gazing Ball (Little Boy)

plaster and glass 
21 1/8 x 17 3/4 x 17 5/8 inches
53.7 x 45.1 x 44.8 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP

  • New York, David Zwirner, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, May 8 – June 22, 2013 (edition 1)

  • Francesco Bonami, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, ed. Louise Sorensen, exh. cat. (New York: David Zwirner, 2014), pp. 5, as "Little Boy", 44, 75 (color ill. p. 45)

Gazing Ball (Mailbox)

plaster and glass 
74 1/4 x 24 3/8 x 41 1/2 inches
188.6 x 61.9 x 105.4 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP

  • New York, David Zwirner, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, May 8 – June 22, 2013 (edition 1)

    New York, Whitney Museum of American Art, Jeff Koons: A Retrospective, June 27 – October 19, 2014 (edition 1)

    Paris, The Centre Pompidou, Jeff Koons: A Retrospective, November 26, 2014 – April 27, 2015, p. 212 (edition 2)

    Bilbao, Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Jeff Koons: A Retrospective, June 9 – September 27, 2015, p. 212 (AP)

    Beverly Hills, Gagosian Gallery, Jeff Koons, April 27, 2017 – August 18, 2017 (AP)

    Oxford, Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, Jeff Koons at the Ashmolean, February 7 – June 9, 2019 (AP)

    Doha, Qatar Museums Al Riwaq Gallery, Jeff Koons: Lost in America, November 21, 2021 – March 31, 2022 (AP)

  • John Yau, "Why Jeff Koons Made Michael Jackson White," Hyperallergic, June 9, 2013 (color ill.)‐jeff-‐koons-‐made-‐michael-‐jackson-‐white/ 

    Daniel Creahan, "New York - Jeff Koons: "Gazing Ball" at David Zwirner, Through June 29th, 2013," Art Observed, June 28, 2013 (color ill., David Zwirner installation view) 

    Tom Simpson, “King of Pop: 35 years of Jeff Koons art-in-pictures,” The Guardian, June 25, 2014 (color ill.)

    Bernard Blistène, Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: La Rétrospective, exh. cat. (New York and Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2014), p. 212 (color ill.)

    Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: A Retrospective, Whitney Museum of American Art, exh. cat. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2014), p. 204 (color ill. p. 204)

    Nicolas Liucci-Goutnikov, Julie Champion and Caroline Edde, Jeff Koons: La Rétropsective/A Retrospective, exh. cat. (Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2014), p. 56 (color ill. p. 56)

    Francesco Bonami, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, ed. Louise Sorensen, exh. cat. (New York: David Zwirner, 2014), pp. 46-47 (color ill. pp. 46-47, David Zwirner installation view; color ill. p. 51)

    Julie Champion and Nicolas Liucci-Goutnikov, Jeff Koons: La Rétrospective Le Portfolio de L'Exposition/The Retrospective The Portfolio of The Exhibition, exh. cat. (Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2015), p. 150 (color ill.)

    Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: Retrospectiva, exh. cat. (Bilbao: Guggenheim Bilbao, Companhia Empreendimento Sabará, 2015), p. 216 (color ill.)

    Ally Betker, "Jeff Koons, the Google of the Art World, Teams Up with Google," W Magazine, May 10, 2016 (color ill.)

    Todd Plummer, "Jeff Koons’s Tips for the Perfect Selfie," Vogue, May 10, 2016 (color ill.) 

    Rachel Small, "Objet d'Art: A Way of Seeing," Interview Magazine, May 13, 2016 (color ill.) 

    Rachel Corbett, "Jeff Koons and Eric Kandel Talk Art and Empathy," Blouin Artinfo, October 4, 2016 (color ill.)

    Jeff Koons, exh. cat. (Beverly Hills: Gagosian, 2017), pp.19, 20 (color ill., Gagosian Gallery installation) 

    Stephanie Murg, "Jeff Koons' Technicolor takeover of the Whitney Museum," Wallpaper (United Kingdom), June 26, 2017 (color ill.)  

    Xa Sturgis and Norman Rosenthal, Jeff Koons at the Ashmolean, exh. cat. (Oxford: Ashmolean Museum, 2019), pp. 2-3, 64 (color ill.)

    Alex Greenberger, "Moving Offices to Hudson Yards, Jeff Koons Studio Makes Layoffs," Artnews, January 15, 2019 (color ill.) 

    Jeff Koons. Lost in America, ed. Massimiliano Gioni, exh. cat. (Milan: Skira, 2021), pp. 1, 200, 253 (color ill. 201)

    Paul Laster, "Jeff Koons in His Own Words," Ocula (London, UK), January 5, 2022

Gazing Ball (Mailboxes)

plaster and glass 
58 1/2 x 130 1/4 x 24 1/2 inches
148.6 x 330.8 x 62.2 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP

  • New York, David Zwirner, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, May 8 – June 22, 2013 (edition 1)

    Beverly Hills, Gagosian Gallery, Jeff Koons, April 27 – August 18, 2017 (AP)

  • "Jeff Koons opens at Gagosian AND Zwirner this week," Phaidon, May 9, 2013

    Ben Davis, "Reflecting on Jeff Koons's Hollow Triumph in Chelsea," Bloomberg, May 17, 2013

    Andrew Russeth, "'Jeff Koons- New Paintings and Sculpture' at Gagosian Gallery and 'Jeff Koons- Gazing Ball' at David Zwirner," Gallerist, May 14, 2013, online

    Jerry Saltz, “Follow the Floating Blue Ball: On Jeff Koons, Plastercaster," New York Magazine, June 3-10, 2013

    John Yau, "Why Jeff Koons Made Michael Jackson White," Hyperallergic, June 9, 2013 (color ill.)­‐jeff-­‐koons-­‐made-­‐michael-­‐jackson-­‐white/

    David Behringer, "A Closer Look at Jeff Koons," Design Milk, June 18, 2013, (color ill. Gagosian installation; color ill. Gagosian installation, details)

    Daniel Creahan, "New York - Jeff Koons: "Gazing Ball" at David Zwirner, Through June 29th, 2013," Art Observed, June 28, 2013 (color ill.)

    Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: A Retrospective, Whitney Museum of American Art, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2014), p. 211 (color ill. p. 211, fig. 13)

    Bernard Blistène, Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: La Rétrospective, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (New York and Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2014), p. 219 (color ill. p. 219, fig. 13)

    Joachim Pissarro, Jeff Koons - The Gazing Ball or the Eye of Janus (Brussels: Almine Rech Gallery Editions, 2014), pp. 23, 24 (color ill. p. 24)

    Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: Retrospectiva, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (Bilbao: Guggenheim Bilbao, Companhia Empreendimento Sabara, 2015), p. 223 (color ill. p. 223, fig. 13)

    Francesco Bonami, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, ed. Louise Sorensen, exh. cat. (New York: David Zwirner, 2014), pp. 42, 75 (color ill. pp. 42-43)

    Jeff Koons, exh. cat. (Beverly Hills: Gagosian, 2017), pp. 66, 79 (color ill. pp.62-63, Gagosian installation; color ill. pp.66-67, Gagosian installation)

    Joachim Pissarro, Alyssa Ovadis, and Donatien Grau, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball Paintings (New York: Gagosian, 2017), p. 11

Gazing Ball (Silenus with Baby Dionysus)

plaster and glass 
79 5/8 x 34 x 33 5/8 inches
202.2 x 86.4 x 85.4 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP

  • New York, David Zwirner, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, May 8 – June 22, 2013 (edition 1)

    Oxford, Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, Jeff Koons at the Ashmolean, February 7 – June 9, 2019 (AP)

  • Luther Blissett, "Sept moments-clefs dans une vie d'artiste," (Text in French) Beaux Arts/TTM éditions (Paris), 2008 (color ill. p. 13, work in progress at studio, Photo by Martin Schoeller, Koons family photo)

    Carl Swanson, "The Age of Jeff Koons," New York Magazine, May 13, 2013 (color ill. p. 29)

    David Behringer, "A Closer Look at Jeff Koons," Design Milk, June 18, 2013 (color ill., David Zwirner installation)

    Alison M. Gingeras, "Instant Classic", Artforum 52, no. 1 (September 2013) (color ill. p. 146)

    Jeff Koons, "Feeling," Art in America, June/July 2014 or Jeff Koons, "What Inspires Me is Feeling," Art in America, June 18, 2014, p. 42

    Bill Powers, "The Time Traveler," Muse, Fall 2014 (color ill, p. 102, work in progress at studio)

    Manami Fujimori, "Jeff Koons," (Text in Japanese) Art Techo (Japan) 66, no. 1012 (October 2014) (color ill. pp. 60-61, Photo by Martin Schoeller)

    Francesco Bonami, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, ed. Louise Sorensen, exh. cat. (New York: David Zwirner, 2014), p. 62 (color ill. p. 63) (color ill. pp. 72-73, David Zwirner installation)

    Ana Sokoloff, "Jeff Koons Artista," Ars Magazine (Madrid) 8, no. 27 (July-September 2015) (color ill. p. 39, work in progress at studio; ill. p. 149, work in progress at studio)

    Anne Wehr, David Zwirner: 25 Years, ed. Lucas Zwirner (New York: David Zwirner, 2018) (color ill. 173)

    Xa Sturgis and Norman Rosenthal, Jeff Koons at the Ashmolean, exh. cat. (Oxford: Ashmolean Museum, 2019), p. 62 (color ill. p. 63)

    Jeff Koons. Shine, eds. Joachim Pissarro and Arturo Galansino, exh. cat. (Venice: Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Marsilio Editori S.p.A., 2021) (color ill. p. 181, David Zwirner installation)

Gazing Ball (Snowman)

plaster and glass 
90 1/4 x 56 x 44 1/2 inches
229.2 x 142.2 x 113 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP

  • New York, David Zwirner, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, May 8 – June 22, 2013 (edition 1)

    Doha, Qatar Museums Al Riwaq Gallery, Jeff Koons: Lost in America, November 21, 2021 – March 31, 2022 (edition 3)

  • "Jeff Koons opens at Gagosian AND Zwirner this week," Phaidon, May 9, 2013, online.

    Roberta Smith, "Gladiatorial Combat: The Battle of the Big," The New York Times, May 16, 2013

    Jerry Saltz, “Follow the Floating Blue Ball: On Jeff Koons, Plastercaster," New York Magazine (June 3-10, 2013

    Ben Davis, "Reflecting on Jeff Koons's Hollow Triumph in Chelsea," Bloomberg, May 17, 2013.

    "Eye of Art: Jeff Koons "Gazing Ball" at David Zwirner," May 20, 2017, Blouin Artinfo, online (color ill.)

    David Behringer, "A Closer Look at Jeff Koons," Design Milk, June 18, 2013, (Snowman) (color ill. Gagosian installation view; color ill. Zwirner installation view, details).

    Daniel Creahan, "New York - Jeff Koons: "Gazing Ball" at David Zwirner, Through June 29th, 2013," Art Observed, June 28, 2013 (color ill., David Zwirner installation)

    Jeff Koons, "What Inspires Me is Feeling," Art in America, June 18, 2014, p. 42

    Adam Rathe, "Pop Shop," DuJour, Summer 2014 (color ill. p. 139, work in progress at studio).

    Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: A Retrospective, Whitney Museum of American Art, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2014), pp. 209, 291 (color ill. p. 209, pl. 135)

    Bernard Blistène, Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: La Rétrospective, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (New York and Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2014), pp. 217, 302 (color ill. p. 217, pl. 135)


    Francesco Bonami, Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball, ed. Louise Sorensen, exh. cat. (New York: David Zwirner, 2014), pp. 3, 5, as "Snowman", 32, 75 (color ill. p. 33; color ill. p. 35; color ill. pp. 36-37, David Zwirner installation

    Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: Retrospectiva, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (Bilbao: Guggenheim Bilbao, Companhia Empreendimento Sabara, 2015), pp. 221, 300 (color ill. p. 221, pl. 136)

    Jeff Koons. Lost in America, ed. Massimiliano Gioni, exh. cat. (Milan: Skira, 2021), p. 202 (color ill. p. 203)

Gazing Ball (Standing Woman)

plaster and glass
61 3/4 x 18 1/2 x 17 1/8 inches
156.8 x 47 x 43.5 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP

  • Porto, Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art, The Sonnabend Collection: Part II, May 11 – September 23, 2018 (edition 3)

    Saskatoon, Remai Modern, The Sonnabend Collection, October 5, 2019 – March 22, 2010 (edition 3)

    Doha, Qatar Museums Al Riwaq Gallery, Jeff Koons: Lost in America, November 21, 2021 – March 31, 2022 (edition 3)

    Granada, Spain, Museo de Bellas Artes de Granada in the Palace of Charles V at La Alhambra, presented by the Museo Picasso Málaga, Reflections. Picasso/Koons, December 17, 2024 – March 16, 2025

  • Joachim Pissarro, Jeff Koons - The Gazing Ball or the Eye of Janus (Brussels: Almine Rech Gallery Editions, 2014), (color ill. cover), p. 18, p. 23, as "Standing Woman (Gazing Ball)", p. 24, as "Standing Woman (Gazing Ball)" and "Standing Woman", p. 36, as "Standing Woman", p. 42 (color ill. p. 43), (color ill. p. 44, detail), (color ill. p. 45, detail), (color ill. pp. 46-47, detail), (color ill. p. 48, detail).

    Twenty Years, 1997-2017, Almine Rech Gallery, (Paris: Almine Rech Gallery, 2017), (color ill. p. 92, Art Basel Switzerland installation, 2015).

    Paloma Gonzalez, "¿Por qué no podemos dejar de destruir piezas de museo?" GQ Mexico, April 13, 2018, online., (color ill.).

    João Ribas, The Sonnabend Collection: Half a Century of European and American Art. Part II, exh. cat. (Porto: Serralves, 2018), p. 122, 133 (color ill. p. 123).

    The Sonnabend Collection, exh. cat (Saskatoon: Remai Modern: 2019), p. 148 (color ill. p. 149)

    Simona Airoldi, "Uniqlo e Jeff Koons, la collaborazione che mette il buonumore," GQ Italia, September 28, 2021 (color ill. by Rebecca Fanuele)

    Jeff Koons. Lost in America, ed. Massimiliano Gioni, exh. cat. (Milan: Skira, 2021), p. 204 (color ill. p. 205)

    Paul Laster, "Jeff Koons in His Own Words," Ocula (London, UK), January 5, 2022

    Justo Barranco, "Jeff Koons confronta su arte al de Picasso en plena Alhambra," La Vanguardia, December 16, 2024, n.p. (color ill. n.p.)

    Miguel Lorenci, "Encuentro 'celestial' de Picasso con Jeff Koons en la Alhambra," El Correo, December 16, 2024, n.p. (color ill. n.p.)

    Natividad Pulido, "Picasso y Jeff Koons: Cita en la alhambra," ABC Cultural, December 16, 2024, n.p. (color ill. n.p.)

    Sol G. Moreno, "Koons se estrena en la Alhambra de la mano de Picasso," Ars Magazine, December 17, 2024, n.p. (color ill. n.p.)

    María Aguirre, "El diálogo entre Pablo Picasso y Jeff Koons sobre arte contemporáneo que acaba de llegar a Granada," Gentleman, December 17, 2024, n.p. (color ill. n.p.)

    María Marco, "Jeff Koons, el artista vivo más cotizado, en La Alhambra: 'No me importa el dinero, solo quiero ser parte del juego,'" El Español, December 17, 2024, n.p. (color ill. n.p.)

    Jo Lawson-Tancred, "Why Jeff Koons's Collab With Picasso in Spain Is Hard Not to Love," Artnet News, December 24, 2024, n.p. (color ill. n.p.)

    Katia Golini, "Koons vs Picasso: miti in dialogo," Gazzetta di Parma, January 27, 2025, n.p. (color ill. n.p.)

    "Últimos días de la exposición Reflejos en el Museo Picasso Málaga," Revista de Arte, March 20, 2025, n.p. (color ills. n.p.)

Gazing Balls (Borghese Gladiator)

plaster and glass
72 7/8 x 62 5/8 x 54 inches
185.1 x 159 x 137.2 cm

Edition of 3 plus AP

  • Paris, Almine Rech Gallery, Turenne, Sport and Beyond, June 27 – August 17, 2024

  • Shawn Ghassemitari, "Olympic Fever Lands at Almine Rech Paris," Hypebeast, July 15, 2024 (color ill. n.p., installation shot)

    Catherine Bennett, "10 Exhibitions to See in Paris during the 2024 Olympics," Artsy, July 17, 2024, n.p. (color ill. Almine Rech installation shot)

Gazing Ball (Bottlerack)

galvanized steel and glass
36 x 15 15/16 x 15 15/16 inches
91.4 x 40.5 x 40.5 cm

Edition 1 of 3 plus AP

Gazing Ball (Stool)

painted stainless steel, wood, glass, and aluminum
40 1/16 x 13 1/4 x 13 1/4 inches
101.8 x 33.7 x 33.7 cm

Edition 1 of 3 plus AP

  • London, Almine Rech Gallery, Jeff Koons, October 4, 2016 – January 21, 2017 (edition 1)

  • Rashid Razaq, "Jeff Koons: London to stay centre of the art world," Evening Standard, October 4, 2016 (color ill.)

    Elly Parsons, "Ready-made success: Jeff Koons reflects at Almine Rech Gallery, London,” Wallpaper, October 7, 2016 (color ill.)

    "5 Things You Need To Know This Week," Opumo, October 10, 2016 (color ill.)

    "Jeff Koons at Almine Rech Gallery, London," Blouin Artinfo, October 15, 2016 (color ill.)

    Almine Rech Gallery Newsletter 19, January-May 2017 (color ill. p. 26)

    Xa Sturgis and Norman Rosenthal, Jeff Koons at the Ashmolean, exh. cat. (Oxford: Ashmolean Museum, 2019), p. 30 (color ill. p. 31)