Bouquet of Tulips
polychromed bronze, stainless steel, and aluminum
496 7/8 x 328 3/4 x 408 11/16 inches
1262 x 835 x 1038 cm
Inaugurated on October 4, 2019 in the gardens of the Champs-Élysées, Paris, Bouquet of Tulips was offered to the City of Paris in support from the American people to the Parisians and French people bereaved by the attacks of 2015 - 2016. Imagined by the artist as a symbol of remembrance, optimism and healing, Bouquet of Tulips is a monumental and unique sculpture. Symbolizing the act of offering, represented by the outstretched hand holding a bouquet of brightly-colored flowers, Bouquet of Tulips evokes the hand of the Statue of Liberty holding the torch, while it also has a dialogue with Pablo Picasso’s Friendship Bouquet.
Photos: Luc Castel
Paris, permanently installed in the gardens of the Champs-Elysées, between Palace de la Concorde and the Petit Palais, on view since October 4, 2019 – permanent installation
Beaux Arts - Jeff Koons Mucem, Oeuvres de la Collection Pinault, Beaux Arts Éditions, May 2021, (color ill. p. 17)
Jeff Koons: Mucem. Works from the Pinault Collection, exh. cat. (Paris: Éditions Dilecta, 2021), pp. 178, 179, 180, (color ill. p. 179)
Jeff Koons. Shine, eds. Joachim Pissarro and Arturo Galansino, exh. cat. (Venice: Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Marsilio Editori S.p.A., 2021), pp. 40, 184 (color ill. p. 184)
Massimiliano Gioni, Il desiderio messo a nudo, Conversazioni con Jeff Koons (Monza, IT: Johan & Levi editore, 2021), (color ill. p. 88)
Flaminio Gualdoni, Arte Contemporanea - I Protagonisti: 04- Koons, (Italy: Corriere Della Serra, 2022), p. 78 (color ill. p. 79)
Gesine Borcherdt, Dream On Baby (Nuremburg: Institut für moderne Kunst, 2023) (color ill. p. 168, Paris installation)
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