Torre: Atlas, Fondazione Prada, Milan, Italy [April 20, 2018 - ongoing]
Jeff Koons: A Retrospective. Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain [June 9 - September 27, 2015]
Jeff Koons. Fondation Beyeler, Basel, Switzerland [May 13 - September 2, 2012]
Ca' Corner Della Regina. Fondazione Prada, Venice, Italy [June 4 - October 2, 2011]
Jeff Koons: Celebration. Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, Germany [October 31, 2008 - February 8, 2009]
Landscapes of the Mind. United States Embassy Beijing, Beijing, China [August 8, 2008 - 10 year loan]
Tulips. Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain [2008 - permanent installation]
The Broad Contemporary Art Museum at Los Angeles County Museum of Art: Inaugural Installation. Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, California [February 16 - September 30, 2008]
Re-Object: Marcel Duchamp, Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons, Gerhard Merz, Kunsthaus Bregenz, Bregenz, Austria [February 18 - May 13, 2007]
Tulips. Norddeutsche Landesbank, Hannover, Germany [2004-2012]
Ingrid Sischy, "The Cat is Out of the Bag," Interview, February 1997, (color ill. pp. 90-91, illustration of work in progress at studio).
Ingrid Sischy, "Koons, High and Low," Vanity Fair, no. 487, (March 2001), (color ill. pp. 234-235).
Jeff Koons/Andy Warhol: Flowers, exh. cat. (New York: Gagosian, 2002), (color ill. p. 49, work in progress).
Joe La Placa, "Jeff Koons: The Candyman Can," ArtReview April 2003, p. 53.
Giancarlo Politi, "An Interview by the Readers of Flash Art," Flash Art International (Milan) 38, no. 240 (January-February 2005), p. 3 (color ill. NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank Hannover installation in Gagosian advertisement, Photo by Ulrich Reinecke).
Kelly Devine Thomas, "The Selling of Jeff Koons," ARTnews 104, no. 5 (May 2005), (back cover, NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank Hannover installation, Photo by Ulrich Reinecke).
Wendy E. Solomon, "Koons: the artist matures," York Sunday News, December 10, 2005, p. A12 (ill., p. A12, models of tulips).
Adam Lindemann, Collecting Contemporary (Los Angeles: Taschen, 2006), p. 164 (Broad Collection).
Sarah Cosulich Canarutto, Jeff Koons: Supercontemporanea Series, ed. Francesco Bonami, exh. cat. (Verona: Monsadori Printing, 2006), (color ill. pp. 68-69),
Tatjana Rosenstein, “Bad Boy der Kunstszene,” Artinvestor, no. 3 (June 2006), pp. 50-58 (color ill.).
Anouchka Roggeman and Karen Wright, “Koons on Koons,” Modern Painters, June 2006, (color ill. p. 19, NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank Germany installation).
Ulrich Krempel and Anke Schneider, Hinter Glas Das Kunstengagement der NORD/LB (Hannover: NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank, 2007), pp. 49, 52, 194, (color ill. cover, NORD/LB Germany installation).
Hans Werner Holzwarth, ed., Jeff Koons, Cologne 2007, (color ill. pp. 414-415, NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank Hannover installation).
Sebastian Egenhofer, John Gray, Gudrun Inboden, and Herbert Molderings, Re-Object: Marcel Duchamp, Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons, Gerhard Merz, ed. Eckhard Schneider, exh. cat. (Bregenz: Kunstaus Bregenz, 2007), p. 15, (color ill. pp. 108-109, Kunsthaus Bregenz installation), p. 123, p. 124 (color ill. pp. 124-125, detail), p. 144, p. 161, p. 172;
Christa Dietrich, “Eben hineinstolpern ins Glück,” Vorarlberger Nachrichten, Austria, February 17, 2007, pp. A1, D7, (color ill. p. A1, Kunsthaus Bregenz installation).
Hans-Joachim Müller, “Immer schon kuhl bleiben: Hirst, Merz, Koons: ‘Re-Object’ im Kunsthaus Bregenz,” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Mittwoch, no. 44 (February 21, 2007), (color ill. p. 37, Kunsthaus Bregenz installation).
Eva Karcher, "Uberwal-Tigende Resonanz," Text in German, Kunsthaus Bregenz: 10 Jahre (Germany), July 6, 2007, (ill. pp. B16-C1, detail, Kunsthaus Bregenz installation).
Jessica L. Darraby, "Koons Collector: Eli Broad," Art and Living 7, Summer 2007, p. 48.
Rumi Fukasaku, “From Bilbao: Blooming in Guggenheim,” Casa Brutus, October 2007, p. 27 (color ill. p. 27, Guggenheim Bilbao installation).
Peter-Klaus Schuster, Rainald Goetz, and Anette Hüsch, Jeff Koons: Celebration, ed. Anette Hüsch, exh. cat. (Berlin: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2008), (color ill. pp. 2-3), p. 4 (color ill. pp. 4-5, detail), (color ill. p. 8, detail), p. 31, p. 93.
Armelle Malevoisin, "Top 4 des oeuvres les plus cheres," (Text in French) Beaux Arts/TTM éditions (Paris), 2008, (color ill. p. 65, Germany installation).
Judith Benhamou-Huet, "Le top 10 artistes les plus chers de la planete," Le Point FIAC special edition, 2008, (color ill. cover, Kunsthaus Bregenz installation).
Laura Moure Cecchini, "Jeff Koons: La estetizacion del consumismo," Textofilia Revista de Literatura y Arte, no. 17 (Mexico, 2008), (color ill. pp. 60-61).
Luther Blissett, "Les obsessions majeures de Koons," (Text in French) Beaux Arts/TTM éditions (Paris), 2008, (color ill. p. 11, Bregenz installation).
Virginia Shore, Landscapes of the Mind, Collection of the United State Embassy, Beijing, China, 2008, (ill. p. 19).
Jason Edward Kaufman, “Contemporary Art “To Connect” to China,” Art Newspaper, May 2008, pp. 1, 5.
Michael Duncan, “Report from Los Angeles: LACMA Sizes Up,” Art in America, no. 5 (May 2008), p. 69.
Sarah Thornton, "The Recipe for a record price,” The Art Newspaper, no. 191 (May 2008), (p. 44, Beijing installation).
Jane Ure-Smith, "Banality That Bites," Financial Times, June 2, 2008, online, (color ill., Kunsthaus Bregenz installation).
Jean-Jacques Aillagon and Emanuelle Lequeux Interview in "Jeff Koons: Versailles," Beaux Arts éditions, September 2008, (color ill. p. 19, Germany installation).
Judith Benhamou-Huet, "Le roi du kitsch trone a Versailles," Le Point, no. 1877, September 4, 2008, (color ill. p. 9, Bregenz installation)
Norbert Bisky, “Koons: Was macht die Kunst?” (text in German), Vanity Fair (Germany), no. 46 (November 2008), (color ill. pp. 40-41, Neue Nationalgalerie installation).
Matthew Simmons, "Art Star," Lifestyles Magazine, Winter 2008, (color ill. p. 29, NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank Hannover installation).
Virginia Shore, "West Meets East, Art Inspired by Nature Graces New Beijing Embassy," U.S. Department of State Magazine, Beijing, Issue 530 (January 2009), (color ill. p. 12, Beijing installation).
Jonathan Blyth, "Architectural Beacon, New Embassy Blends Chinese Themes with High-Tech Design," U.S. Department of State Magazine, Beijing, Issue 531, February 2009, (color ill. p. 10, Beijing installation).
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao Collection (Bilbao: Guggenheim Bilbao, 2009), (color ill. p. 227, Guggenheim Bilbao installation).
“Austria: Art + Architecture + Design: Vorarlberg Eyes on the Future,” ARTnews, October 2009, (color ill. p. 73, Kunshaus Bregenz installation).
Sana, "Symbols Tell the Story,” (Text in Japanese) Vogue (Japan), no. 125, January 2010, (color ill. p. 22, NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank Hannover installation).
"Designer's It List," Vogue Japan, no. 125 (January 2010), (color ill. p. 239, NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank Hannover installation).
Yayoi Kojima, “Art Tells Style,” (Text in Japanese) Vogue (Japan), no. 143, May 2010, (color ill. p. 289, NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank Hannover installation).
Sarah Brown “Kiehl’s Goes Koons,” Vogue, October 2010, (color ill. p. 224, NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank Hannover installation).
Hans Ulrich Obrist, Jeff Koons - Popeye Sculpture, exh. cat. (Paris: Galerie Jerome de Noirmont, 2010), p. 8 (color ill. p. 8, Kunsthaus Bregenz installation).
Fondazione Prada - Ca' Corner della Regina, exh. cat., ed., Germano Celant (Venice: Fondazione Prada, 2011), (color ill. pp. 100-101), (color ill. p. 262, installation rendering of Tulips).
Jorg Reckhenrich, Martin Kupp and Jamie Anderson, "Made in Heaven - produced on Earth: Creative Leadership as Art of Projection," Journal of Business Strategy 32, no. 4 (2011), (ill. p. 21, Kunsthaus Bregenz Re-Object installation).
Massimo Gaggi, "Jeff Koons: arte ed eros," Corriere Della Sera Style Magazine, 2011, p. 62.
“The Color of Our Thoughts,” (Text in Japanese) Vogue (Japan), no. 143, July 2011, p. 105 (color ill. p. 105, Fondation Beyeler installation), (color ill, pp. 223-224, Kunsthaus Bregenz installation).
"Humor Looking & Learning," SchoolArts, November 2011, (color ill., NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank Hannover installation).
Roland Flamini, "Using Art for Diplomacy: A Vibrant State Department Program Reaches 50," The Washington Times, December 11, 2011 (color ill., Beijing U.S. Embassy installation). https://art.state.gov/portfolio/using-art-for-diplomacy-a-vibrant-state-...
The Broad Foundations Entrepreneurship for the Public Good 2011-2012 (Los Angeles: The Broad Art Foundations, 2012), (color ill. p. 147, Kunsthaus Bregenz installation view).
Sam Keller, Dorothea Vischer, Raphael Bouvier, and Gunther Vogt, Jeff Koons: Fondation Beyeler, exh. cat. (Otsfildern: Hatje Cantz publishers, 2012), p. 34, p. 146 (color ill. pp. 148-149), p. 182, p. 205.
Alexis Rodriguez-Duarte, "U.S. Giant Jeff Koons," Harper’s Bazaar Magazine (China) Art edition, January 2012, (color ill. p. 76, Neue Nationalgalerie installation).
L. Marsova, "AO On Site - Basel - Artist talk with Jeff Koons at Fondation Beyeler, Thursday, June 14, 2012," Art Observed, June 14, 2012, online (color ill. detail).
George Pendle, "Jeff Koons Welcome to the Funhouse," The American Visual Arts in China, Summer/Fall 2012, (color ill. p. 34, U.S. Embassy in Beijing installation, Photo: Matthew Niederhausser), (color ill. pp. 41-42, Beijing U.S. Embassy installation, Photo: Matthew Niederhausser).
"Jeff Koons," ed. Alison McDonald, Gagosian Quarterly (September-October 2012), (color ill. p. 101, Fondation Beyeler installation).
Jeff Koons, "Salvador Dali," Monopol Magazine (Germany), November 2012, (color ill. p. 30).
Kelly Crow, "Giddy Highlights for Contemporary Art," The Wall Street Journal, November 16, 2012, (color ill. D6, NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank Hannover installation).
Belinda Luscombe, "10 Questions," TIME Magazine, November 29, 2012), online, (color ill. Christie's installation), (color ill. Beijing U.S. Embassy Embassy installation), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBkRALSJUvw&list=SL
Mike Boehm, "Hillary Clinton will give five artists medals for embassy art," Los Angeles Times, November 30, 2012, (color ill., Beijing U.S. Embassy installation).
Belinda Luscombe, "10 Questions," TIME Magazine, (December 10, 2012), p. 68.
Isabelle Lefort, "Jeff Koons Un Américain à Beaubourg," (Text in French) La Tribune & Moi, no. 29 (December 14, 2012), (color ill., NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank Hannover installation).
Helge Achenbach, The Art Agitator--On Collecting and Hunting (Germany: Hatje Cantz, 2013), (color ill. p. 207, NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank Hannover installation).
Stephanie Bringezu, Daniel Kramer, Janine Schmutz, What is Art? 27 Questions, 27 Answers (Fondation Beyeler, Hatje Cantz, 2013), (color ill. p. 128-129, detail).
Carol Vogel, "Record Prices, and Some Duds," The New York Times, January 31, 2013, online.
"Wynn Las Vegas Unveils Tulips by Renowned Artist Jeff Koons," International Business Times, January 31, 2013, online.
Cedar Pasori, "A Time-Lapse of Jeff Koons' 'Tulips' Sculpture Being Assembled at the Wynn Las Vegas," Complex, February 2, 2013, (color ill., Wynn Las Vegas installation), video.
Karanvir Singh, "Jeff Koons $33.6M Sculptural Masterpiece Tulips illuminates the Wynn Theater rotunda at Wynn Las Vegas," Born Rich, February 2, 2013, (color ill., Wynn Las Vegas installation).
Tom Cooper, "Wynn Las Vegas Unveils The $33.6M Tulips Sculpture by Jeff Koons," Elite Daily, February 5, 2013, online, (color ill., Wynn Las Vegas installation).
"Artists as Ambassadors," JuxtaPositions Maryland Institute College of Art, April-May Summer 2013, (color ill. p. 5, Beijing installation).
Carol Swanson, "The Age of Jeff Koons," New York Magazine, May 13, 2013, p. 29 (color ill., p. 29 Kunsthaus Bregenz installation).
Jennifer Kamm, "Haute 100; 100 of the Most Powerful People in NYC," Haute Living, August/September 2013, p. 62.
Jason Edward Kaufman, "King of Kitsch," Black Card Mag, Fall 2013, (color ill. p. 233, detail with painting), (color ill. p. 231, Neue Nationalgalerie installation), 234 (Beijing installation), 239.
Steve King, "Portrait of an Artist," Vanity Fair (November 2013), p. 39.
Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: A Retrospective, Whitney Museum of American Art, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2014), p. 148 (color ill. p. 148, fig. 5, Norddeutsche Landesbank installation), (color ill. p. 150, fig. 14, Kunsthaus Bregenz installation), p. 224, p. 235.
Bernard Blistène, Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: La Rétrospective, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (New York and Paris: Centre Pompidou, 2014), p. 156 (color ill. p. 156, fig. 5, Norddeutsche Landesbank installation), p. 158 (color ill. p. 158, fig. 14, Kunsthaus Bregenz installation), p. 233, p. 246.
Jeff Koons: Split-Rocker, ed. Alison McDonald, exh. cat. (New York: Gagosian Gallery, 2014), p. 34.
Jeff Koons: Conversations with Norman Rosenthal (Thames & Hudson, 2014), p. 84, p. 88 (color ill. p. 88, Nord/LB Bank Installation), p. 151 (color ill. p. 152-153, Kunsthaus Bregenz installation).
Jeff Koons: Entretiens avec Norman Rosenthal (London: Flammarion, 2014), p. 84, p. 88 (color ill. p. 88, Nord/LB Bank Installation), p. 151 (color ill. p. 152-153, Kunsthaus Bregenz installation).
Frank Martin, Así Somos! (France: Éditions Belin, 2014), (color ill. p. 128, Guggenheim Bilbao installation).
"Jeff Koons Talks Bronzes at the Frick Thursday Night," Gallerist, April 23, 2014, (color ill., Christie's installation). http://galleristny.com/2014/04/jeff-koons-talks-bronzes-at-the-frick-thu...
Matt Black, "Jeff Koons’ Philosophy of Perfection," Reflections, NOWNESS, June 16, 2014 (color ill. video, Broad collection).
Manami Fujimori, "Jeff Koons," (Text in Japanese) Art Techo (Japan) 66, no. 1012, (October 2014), (color ill. p. 81).
Jamie Wetherbe, "Lady Gaga unveils Jeff Koons-designed 'Artpop' album art," Los Angeles Times, October 9, 2014, (color ill., online).
Armelle Malvoisin, “Top 4 des œuvres les plus chères,” Beaux Arts editions, December 2014, p. 65.
Luther Blissett, "Sept moments-clefs dans une vie d’artiste,” Beaux Arts editions, December 2014, (color ill. p. 11, Kunsthaus Bregenz installation).
Myriam Boutoulle, "Jeff Koons, a star in Paris," (Text in French) Connaissance des Arts, (December 2014), p. 70.
Hans Werner Holzwarth, ed., Jeff Koons (Cologne: Taschen, 2015), p. 60 (color ill. p. 60, Norddeutsche Landesbank Installation), p. 61.
Antonio Damasio, Jeffrey Deitch, Isabelle Graw, Achim Hochdörfer, Michelle Kuo, Rachel Kushner, Pamela M. Lee, Scott Rothkopf, and Alexander Nagel, Jeff Koons: Retrospectiva, ed. Scott Rothkopf, exh. cat. (Bilbao: Guggenheim Bilbao, Companhia Empreendimento Sabara, 2015), p. 8, p. 154 (color ill. p. 154, pl. 90), p. 158 (color ill. p. 158, fig. 5, Norddeutsche Landesbank installation), (color ill. p. 160, fig. 14, Kunsthaus Bregenz installation), p. 236, p. 247, p. 300;
The Broad Collection, ed. Joanne Heyler with Ed Schad and Chelsea Beck (Los Angeles: The Broad, Delmonico Books an imprint of Prestel Publishing, 2015), (color ill. p. 22-23, Kunsthaus Bregenz installation), 89.
Phillip Tinari, Jeff Koons: Hulk Elvis, ed. Rebecca Sternthal, exh. cat. (Hong Kong: Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., in association with Gagosian Gallery, 2015) p. 14.
"Jeff Koons: High art or plain extravagance?" Al Jazeera, August 22, 2015 (color ill., video, Prada collection). https://www.aljazeera.com/program/talk-to-al-jazeera/2015/8/22/jeff-koon...
The Broad Foundations Entrepreneurship for the Public Good 2015-2016 (Los Angeles: The Broad Art Foundations, 2016), p. 100.
Going Once: 250 Years of Culture, Taste and Collecting at Christie's (New York/London: Phaidon Press, 2016), pp. 85, 86-7.
Bollinghaus Steel Stories Magazin V, March 2016, (cover, color ill.).
Deborah Vankin, "MOCA names its spring gala honoree: Jeff Koons," Los Angeles Times, March 17, 2017, online. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/arts/la-et-cm-moca-gala-jeff-koons-...
Carmen Oster, "Der letzte Schrei: Jeff Koons entwirft Taschen für Louis Vuitton," Kleine Zeitung (Austria), April 11, 2017, (color ill. online, Kunsthaus Bregenz installation). https://www.kleinezeitung.at/kultur/5199609/Paris_Der-letzte-Schrei_Jeff-Koons-entwirft-Taschen-fuer-Louis
Marcin Brzeziński, "Sensacja! Louis Vuitton tworzy kolekcję z jednym najbardziej znanych współczesnych artystów Jeffem Koonsem!" Viva (Poland), April 11, 2017, online (color ill., detail. Christie's installation). https://viva.pl/moda/wielcy-projektanci/louis-vuitton-stworzy-kolekcje-z-jeffem-koonsem-110118-r1/
Sally Williams, "Jeff Koons on his 'wild years'... and going from penniless to the world's most expensive artist," The Telegraph (UK), April 20, 2017, online, (color ill., Christie's installation). https://www.telegraph.co.uk/luxury/womens-style/louis-vuitton-announces-jeff-koons-collaboration/
Laura Coll, "C’est le bouquet ! Les tulipes de Jeff Koons débarquent sur les Champs-Élysées !...," Paris Secret (France), August 27, 2019, online, (color ill., Guggenheim Bilbao installation). https://parissecret.com/cest-le-bouquet-les-tulipes-de-jeff-koons-debarquent-sur-les-champs-elysees/
Joachim Jager, Constanze von Marlin, Andre Odier, Die Ausstellungen: Neue Nationalgalerie 1968-2015, exh. cat. (Berlin: Nationalgalerie, 2018), (color ill pp. 246-247, Neue Nationalgalerie installation.)
Fionnuala McHugh, "Hong Kong-bound artist Sarah Morris, showing in Beijing, talks about films and the Olympics," South China Morning Post (China), March 24, 2018, online (color ill., Guggenheim Bilbao installation). https://www.scmp.com/culture/arts-entertainment/article/2139608/hong-kong-bound-artist-sarah-morris-showing-beijing-talks
Adam Morgan, "Wynn Resorts Limited artwork to remain in Macau casinos," World Casino News, April 11, 2018, online. https://news.worldcasinodirectory.com/wynn-resorts-limited-artwork-to-remain-in-macau-casinos-54565
Luisa Zargani, "Fondazione Prada in Milan Completed with Opening of Torre," WWD, April 18, 2018, online, (color ill. Prada Foundation, Milan, installation). https://wwd.com/eye/lifestyle/fondazione-prada-milan-completed-with-opening-of-torre-1202654380/
"Dentro la Torre di Fondazione Prada a Milano. Le fotografie delle opere e dello spazio," Arts Life (Italy), May 2, 2018, online, (color ill. Prada Foundation, Milan, installation). https://artslife.com/2018/05/02/dentro-la-torre-di-fondazione-prada-a-milano-le-fotografie-delle-opere-e-dello-spazio/
Leila Salimbeni, "Apre Torre, il ristorante di Fondazione Prada a Milano," Vanity Fair (Italy), May 9, 2018, online (color ill. Prada Foundation, Milan). https://www.vanityfair.it/vanityfood/ristoranti/2018/05/09/ristorante-torre-prada-milano-come-si-mangia
Michael Kimmelman, "Shape-Shifting Art Tower Completes Prada’s City Within a City," The New York Times, June 15, 2018, online (color ill. Prada Foundation, Milan, installation). https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/15/arts/design/prada-foundation-rem-kool...
Meghan Watson-Donald, "Inside Fondazione Prada’s New Milan Space, Torre," DuJour, Summer 2018, (color ill. pp. 113-114).
Soledad Bravi, Ceci N'est Pas Un Tableau (Paris: Leduc.s Editions, 2019), pp. 29, 125.
Carmen R. Pinos, "48 Horas en Bilbao," Elle (Spain), January 28, 2020, online, (color ill., Guggenheim Bilbao installation). https://www.elle.com/es/living/viajes/a30512434/bilbao-que-ver-hacer-dos-dias/
Sibel Soriano, "Banksy, Kaws, Jeff Koons y más, juntos en esta exposición virtual," Donde (Mexico), May 19, 2020, online, (color ill., Kunsthaus Bregenz installation). https://www.diarioamanecer.com.mx/banksy-kaws-jeff-koons-y-mas-juntos-en...
"I Tulips di Koons mettono radici a Parigi, finalmente," Exibart (Italy), September 20, 2019, online, (color ill., Guggenheim Bilbao installation). https://www.exibart.com/attualita/i-tulips-di-koons-mettono-radici-a-parigi-finalmente/
Jessica Stewart, "Jeff Koons Becomes Living Artist with Most Expensive Artwork Ever Sold," My Modern Met, May 21, 2019, online (color ill., Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin). https://mymodernmet.com/jeff-koons-expensive-living-artist/
"Le 10 sculture più costose mai vendute," Metalli Rari (Italy), November 9, 2019, online, (color ill., Guggenheim Bilbao installation). http://www.metallirari.com/10-sculture-piu-costose-vendute/
"Christie's New York art sale sets post-war contemporary record," BBC Culture (UK), November 15, 2019, online, (color ill., Christie's installation).
Anna Fornaciari, "Fondazione Prada Milano: All the Advice For Your Visit," Travel on Art, January 15, 2020, online (color ill. Fondazione Prada, Milano, installation). https://www.travelonart.com/arte-contemporanea/fondazione-prada-milano-consigli-visita/
Anastasia Fontanesi, "Who is Jeff Koons and What are his most famous works?" Travel on Art (Italy), January 19, 2020, online, (color ill., Guggenheim Bilbao installation). https://www.travelonart.com/arte-contemporanea/jeff-koons-chi-e-opere-famose/
Manon Garrigues, "Jeff Koons : où admirer ses œuvres les plus folles?" Vogue France, January 21, 2020, online, (color ill. Broad Contemporary Art Museum at LACMA installation). https://www.vogue.fr/culture/article/jeff-koons-oeuvres-art
"Jeff Koons: "The purpose of art is to eliminate anxiety," Investory News (Ukraine), July 28, 2020, (color ill. online, Kunsthaus Bregenz installation). https://investory.news/dzheff-kuns-meta-mistectva-usunennya-trivogi/
Emma Taggart, "Here are six Jeff Koons artworks that showcase how his artistic practice evolved over the years," My Modern Met, September 13, 2020, online (color ill. Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin). https://mymodernmet.com/jeff-koons-art/
Jeff Koons. Lost in America, exh. cat., ed. Massimiliano Gioni (Milan: Skira, 2021), p. 25, 107, 118, (color ill. pp. 124-125), 252.
Jeff Koons. Shine, exh. cat. (Venice: Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Marsilio Editori S.p.A., 2021), p. 181.
Annette Rubesamen, "Mailand, das Manhattan Italiens," Brigitte (Germany), February 20, 2021, online, (color ill. by Florian Rainer, Prada Foundation, Milan, ltaly). https://www.brigitte.de/leben/reise/mailand--eine-stadt-fuer-alles-12260...
Beaux Arts - Jeff Koons Mucem, Oeuvres de la Collection Pinault, Beaux Arts editions, May 2021, (color ill. p. 16, Kunshaus Bregenz installation).
John Horn, "The Broad Museum Is Set to Reopen with a Commitment to Diversity," LAist, May 17, 2021, (color ill. online, Broad installation by John Horn). https://laist.com/news/arts-and-entertainment/the-broad-museum-is-set-to-reopen-with-a-commitment-to-diversity
Zhang Hong, "The most beautiful Internet celebrity museum in South Canada has world-class artworks and free admission," World Journal, August 12, 2021, online (color ill. video footage Broad installation). https://www.worldjournal.com/wj/story/121471/5670652
María Teresa Andrès, "Jeff Koons el artista que mejor conoce (y usa) las reglas del marketing," MDZ Magazine (Argentina), August 15, 2021, online, (color ill. Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, Germany, October 29, 2008). https://www.mdzol.com/cultura/2021/8/15/jeff-koons-el-artista-que-mejor-conoce-y-usa-las-reglas-del-marketing-179736.html
Pietro Mini, "a dialogue with artist jeff koons: trust in yourself!" Designboom, September 28, 2021, online (color ill., online, Fondation Beyeler installation). https://www.designboom.com/art/dialogue-artist-jeff-koons-trust-in-yourself-09-28-2021/
Günter Kolb and Mario Singer, "SturmNetz im Baskenland," Sturmnetz (Austria), November 4, 2021, online (color ill. Guggenheim Bilbao installation). https://www.sturmnetz.at/sturmnetz-im-baskenland/